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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Night I Laughed Myself Awake

Lately, I haven't really had full dreams that I can remember or could make sense of enough to write about. (I hope that this has not cost me my whole fan base of five readers, don't leave me!!) That, and I am busy being a responsible adult. What's interesting though is that I am so responsible that I have now become a grumpy bitch half the time, and even after working more hours I am still poor. Pretty much, me being an adult does not help anybody out.

Anyhoo, I thought since I haven't had anything worthy to write about, I'd write about one of the more interesting dreams I've had.

Significant other is from a smaller town just over an hour away from where we are now. In this dream, we were at his high school (note: I've seen the outside but not the inside. Including the gym.) in the gym. A group of people, including significant other, his cousin, and I, were sitting in the bleachers listening to somebody speaking behind a podium. I don't recall what he or she was speaking about, but I'm pretty sure it was important because they were standing behind a podium and no one was paying attention.

Right about here is when my brain started to catch on to what was happening. This only happens once in awhile, but sometimes I can tell when I am dreaming. It seems to be random, and when I actually wake up, I realize the reasons to support my beliefs for realizing I was dreaming are completely random and inconsistent. For instance, once I had a dream that my apartment had peanut butter on the walls. Aside from all of the random things that are not in my apartment, it was that factor that caused me to suddenly to think, wait a minute. I'm dreaming. This is because there is peanut butter on the walls! This would never happen in real life! lol!

But when I dream about, oh, people with 6 arms and rollerblading across a lake with their heads falling off my brain is like, oh this is normal, no need to suspect I might be dreaming. And no, I didn't actually have a dream about people with 6 arms rollerblading across a lake with their heads falling off (at least that I know of...). That was just an example.

So back to the dream, we were sitting in the gym that I have never actually seen before, and some person is talking. When I start to suspect that I may be dreaming. Somehow, other people in my dream suspect that I am dreaming, too. Particularly, significant other's cousin. He says, "If this is a dream, then we should be able to say random things." The non-trouble maker in me immediately tries to quiet him. This did not stop him. To prove his point, he decides to yell something...


Because ham is really funny, I start to laugh. Usually dreamland things don't translate to real life things, like if I cry in my dreams, I don't wake up with tears down my face, and stuff like that. This, however, definitely crossed over the dream line. I woke up laughing with my face in the pillow. I was probably laughing for a good three minutes afterwards.

And that is how ham made me laugh myself awake.

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